- May
- 23
Organizing the Fabric Stash
Posted Wednesday, May 23rd, 2012 in Fabrics | Tags: , Fabric Stash, Fabric Storage
Several years ago my family bought me a Sauder armoire for fabric storage. I filled it with my stash, folding and organizing by color. As I pulled out and added fabric to it, it became very messy. Last week I couldn’t stand it anymore! I took all the fabric out and refolded it. I wrapped each piece around my 6 X 24 inch ruler and then folded the piece in half. If a piece was under a half yard, it went into the scrap basket.
I am hoping that my stash will stay neatly folded and organized. I can now pull out a stack of fabric without the rest of it falling out of the cabinet. I am planning several scrappy quilts to use the large collection of scrap fabrics.
- Jennifer Chiappisi says... June 3, 2012 | 1:16 pm
It looks so pretty now. I love that it’s very rainbow-y. 😉 I get that way with my design resources too… and have to admit, my organized resources never stay pretty for long.
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