- Sep
- 24
“Mingled” Baby Quilt
Posted Saturday, September 24th, 2016 in baby quilt, Patterns | Tags: , flannel, Mingled quilt pattern, portable design wall
My local quilt shop had a “baby shower” sale last weekend. They had sample quilts hanging in the shop that were made from the new patterns/book. The first quilt to catch my attention was the Mingled pattern. It is a very simple quilt but the assembly was intriguing. When the shop owner explained how it went together, I knew I had to make one.
I had some leftover flannel from a kit I bought several years ago that would be perfect for this quilt. As soon as I got home with the pattern, I checked to see if I could use the flannelĀ to make the Mingled quilt. By adding just one more piece of flannel, I had enough to make it.
The quilt is made in three vertical rows with the center row made of Half Square Triangles (HST). The only difficulty I had in making this quilt top was turning the triangles the wrong direction. I put the pieces on my small portable design wall to make sure I had each color in the correct position. This is a very easy quilt to sew.
I have plans to use this pattern again and make some changes to the length of the larger pieces. By changing the size on one side, the points could be off center. To make a larger quilt, more fabrics could be added plus a border. I am not adding a border to this quilt. It is a small quilt, 34″ X 40″.
Stay tuned to see what other projects I have been sewing!
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