- Nov
- 26
Piecemakers’ Row Quilt
Posted Thursday, November 26th, 2009 in My Projects, Quilt Guilds | Tags: , Grace United Methodist Church, Piecemakers, row quilt
Our quilt group that meets at Grace United Methodist Church made this quilt in 2009. Each row was made by a member of the group. I pieced the fence and the row of houses. This is the second row quilt we have done.
The next quilt is the row quilt that Piecemakers made several years ago and was our favorite group quilt. We donated it to the Huber Opera House to be raffled at the quilt show in 2007. Mrs. Ramona Hill won the quilt.
- Sharon Pattee says... March 29, 2019 | 12:23 am
What is the name of the second row quilt? The one you donated to the Huber Opera House raffle. I have been trying to find this pattern for quite some time but with no luck. I’ve seen it listed with two different designers, however I just can’t seem to locate it.
- Linda West says... April 4, 2019 | 7:58 am
Sharon, I don’t remember the name of the quilt. It was a mystery quilt in a magazine more than 10 years ago. I don’t remember the magazine name either. Sorry!
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