- Jan
- 8
Mystery Quilt Reveal
Posted Tuesday, January 8th, 2019 in Quilting | Tags:
Looking back, I see that I haven’t posted since clue 4 was released. That is because a nasty virus took over my life. I was too ill to even go upstairs to my sewing room for about two weeks. When I felt well enough to start sewing again, it was in small spurts of time.
Bonnie revealed the mystery quilt last Friday. I was still working on clue 7 at that time. I now have all the center blocks completed and have started working on the pieced borders. I have all the pieces finished, it is a matter of joining them together.
As I stated when the mystery began, I switched colors this year. I used some of the same colors that Bonnie used but switched them around. As a result of the switch, my chain blocks are aqua and green and the spinning star is purple and orange.
I haven’t joined them together but all of the blocks are completed.
This has been another fun mystery quilt from Bonnie Hunter. I will miss getting a new clue each week and watching the progress of others on the Monday Link-up.
It is not too late to join the mystery but hurry and download the clues. Bonnie will be removing them from her blog on February 1. They will be available for purchase after that date.
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